Experimentation for the modern data stack

Eppo centralizes experiment workflows on source-of-truth metrics in data warehouses, providing flexible metric modeling and a rigorous statistical framework.

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Powering experimentation at top companies around the world
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For every stage of the experiment lifecycle

Eppo centralizes experimentation across your entire organization, easily integrating with analytics infrastructure and engineering workflows.


Run experiment scenarios with self-serve power analysis. Centralize and coordinate experiment sequences across teams.

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Easily integrate with existing feature flags, or use Eppo’s feature flag SDK to confidently launch, remotely configure, and rollout experiments from a common UI

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Trust that experiments are healthy with automated Slack alerts for traffic imbalances, anomalous metric drops, instrumentation gaps, and data pipeline errors.

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Bring teams together with beautiful, accessible reports. Grow a scientific culture with centralized, consistent scorecards built around core business metrics.

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Go deeper on experiment results and understand root causes. Slice results
by core subject segmentations using warehouse data.

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Eppo applies bleeding edge statistical methods to warehouse-based business metrics, controlling false positive and false negative rates.

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Data Teams Love Us

Eppo is an incredible tool that not only saves us tons of analyst time and improves accuracy, but also enables us to run all kinds of experiment analyses right on top of the data warehouse. We can enrich and join data to get insights that wouldn’t be possible in previous tools. It’s a whole new generation of A/B platform.

Marc Stone
Head Of Data & Analytics
Read ClickUp case study

Integrations with the tools you love

Google Big Query
Amazon Redshift