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So, you want to start running A/B tests, but you’re unsure about which exact tool can help you experiment in ways that go beyond just changing website layouts or CTA button placements. 

Skip the unnecessary hassle of scoping around for A/B testing tools on your own.

I've put this guide together to help you find the ideal partner for your specific A/B testing needs, so we’ll take a look at the 7 best A/B testing tools in 2024.

Why listen to me?

Well - I've actually used all of these tools (and a lot more that didn't make the list). I was an experimentation consultant for over 5 years and worked with dozens of different A/B testing tools between all of my clients.

So let's jump in!

We’ll go over:

  • What are A/B testing tools?
  • A quick summary list of 2024’s best A/B testing tools
  • The kind of experiments you can conduct with A/B testing tools
  • What to look for in an A/B testing tool
  • A detailed look at the 7 best tools 
  • Some frequently asked questions about A/B testing tools


What are A/B testing tools?

In simple terms, A/B testing tools are solutions that allow users to run experiments on things like websites and apps. Advanced tools even allow you to run A/B tests on things like customer support flows, algorithm/LLM outputs, logistics, and much more. 

You create different versions of any element you want to test out — called “variants” — and the tool tracks which ones perform better according to your chosen metrics. (To make sure the comparison is fair, it randomizes between the variants for each unique user — or other "experimental unit").

Over time, all those little tweaks and tests can translate into improvements in key metrics, from conversion rates and engagement to retention and revenue — which have a tangible business impact. 

The best A/B testing tools

  • Eppo — The overall best A/B testing tool
  • AB Tasty — Best for marketers without support from a data team
  • VWO — Best for straightforward website testing
  • CrazyEgg — Best for simple redirect tests at a low cost
  • GrowthBook — Best open-source option
  • Amplitude Experiment — Best add-on to a product analytics tool
  • Adobe Target — Best for companies using the full Adobe suite

Experiments you can conduct with A/B testing tools

  • Website copy: A/B testing tools can be used to experiment with copy changes on your website, whether it’s micro-copy on CTA buttons, or H1 headings setting the scene on the page, making it easy to see which copy changes lead to higher engagement or conversion rates.
  • Mobile app onboarding: Many A/B testing tools allow you to compare different onboarding flows within your app. You can randomly distribute new users to each flow and track engagement metrics to see which one is more effective. 
  • Push notification timing: Tools with support for push notifications let you schedule push notifications at different times for random user segments. This way, you can analyze click-through rates and conversions to see when users are most receptive to notifications.
  • Pricing strategy: Some A/B testing tools integrate with your pricing system. You can create variations in pricing structure (e.g., free trial, subscription tiers) and track customer behavior to identify the most profitable options.
  • Customer support options: A/B testing tools can manage chat availability and route inquiries. You can A/B test offering chat vs. email support for different issues and measure metrics like resolution time and customer satisfaction. 

Here are two specific real-life examples of how some big-name businesses used A/B testing successfully:’s case, a popular online travel booking platform, famously used A/B testing to enhance its customer experience. 

They identified a potential pain point — the number of steps required to complete a hotel reservation. Through A/B testing, they compared the original multi-step checkout process with a simplified version with fewer clicks.

The results were clear: The streamlined checkout process led to a significant increase in completed bookings, demonstrating the power of A/B testing in optimizing customer journeys.

Microsoft’s MS Word Mobile case

According to insider information from Rhys Kilian (now Data Analytics Lead at L'Oreal), Microsoft aimed to improve the mobile experience for users editing documents within the Word app.

They suspected that users might be discouraged by the editing process on their phones. To address this, they focused on increasing mobile editing and user retention over two weeks.

The team implemented A/B testing to evaluate the effectiveness of contextual commands. These are the suggested actions displayed at the bottom of the screen that can guide users through common editing tasks.

The A/B testing yielded valuable insights: While there wasn't a significant increase in user retention after two weeks, there was a substantial rise in mobile editing. This indicated that contextual commands were successful in encouraging users to edit documents directly on their phones. 

What to Look for in an A/B Testing Tool

Choosing an A/B testing tool can greatly impact your bottom line. Here's what to consider to ensure you find the perfect fit:

  • Easy does it: Any team should be able to set up and manage tests independently without needing too much help. Clear instructions, drag-and-drop functionality, and intuitive UI or workflows can significantly reduce onboarding time and empower your team to experiment frequently and confidently.
  • Beyond the surface: You'll need to measure a wide range of metrics that go beyond basic conversion rates. Ideal tools should allow you to track key business metrics like revenue or retention, not just user engagement metrics like time spent on a page, scroll depth, or click-through rates on specific elements. Remember, the goal of A/B testing is to drive real business impact — make sure you can measure that impact!
  • Budget-friendly: Many A/B testing tools offer tiered pricing plans with varying feature sets. Consider starting with a basic plan that meets your current needs, and look for tools that allow you to upgrade seamlessly as your testing program matures.
  • Deploy anywhere: Make sure the tool can run experiments across web, mobile apps, and any other platform. Today's users interact with businesses across multiple platforms. Choose a tool that allows you to test and optimize the user experience seamlessly across all these touchpoints.
  • Testing flexibility: Don't be limited by the name "A/B testing." There are many ways to execute on experiments (Split URL redirects vs. "full stack" testing using SDKs) and many ways to design experiments (A/B tests, multivariate testing, quasi-experiments). A/B testing is often more than just choosing between two variants. 
  • Fast load times: Look for a tool that offers server-side code implementation via SDKs to avoid slowing down your website or landing pages by adding a Javascript snippet. A sluggish website can tank your conversion rates before your experiment even begins.  
  • Maximum integrations: A siloed A/B testing tool can limit the value you extract from your experiments. Look for a tool that integrates with things like your analytics platform or CRM. Ideally, the tool should also offer options for building custom integrations to connect with any specialized platforms you use.
  • Accurate results: It's often not enough to know if an idea simply "wins" or "loses". The size of the impact often determines which ideas are worth implementing and which aren't. The best A/B testing tools provide robust reporting features and the right statistical methods to help you make decisions quickly, with confidence. Getting this wrong can be worse than running no A/B tests at all!
  • Developer-friendly support: Prioritize A/B testing tools with strong developer support (multi-channel + knowledge base) to ensure smooth test setup, code implementation, and data analysis. This empowers developers and streamlines experimentation with confidence and minimal tool tantrums.

For a more in-depth look at what to look for in an experimentation platform read our full article on the topic.

Our top 7 A/B testing tools in 2024

It’s time to get into our in-depth breakdown of the top 7 A/B testing tools in 2024.

Eppo - Best overall


What is it?

Eppo is the most complete experimentation and feature management platform on this list. It offers advanced experimentation analysis tools within a singular platform, going beyond website-only experimentation and allowing you to run A/B tests (and more advanced types of experiments) on any aspect of your business.

Most importantly, Eppo enables self-serve experimentation for any team. Most of the other tools on this list focus on a single target audience - like marketing tools that don't offer advanced developer features, or tools for engineers that are inaccessible to marketing teams. Eppo is unique in its ability to balance advanced features "under the hood" with accessible UI and approachable workflows.

This positions Eppo as a leader in experimentation, with rigorous A/B testing capabilities allowing businesses to test against the deep metrics that ultimately matter - like revenue and customer retention. 

Deployment options

  • Integration with major cloud data warehouses (Snowflake, Redshift, BigQuery, etc.) for seamless data analysis.
  • SDKs for implementing feature flags directly in the product code, facilitating controlled rollouts and experiments.
  • Web-based platform for creating, managing, and analyzing experiments with an intuitive user interface.
  • No-code experimentation experience tailored for marketing use cases, allowing non-technical users to conduct experiments effortlessly.

Why does it stand out?

Eppo stands out in this list with a laser-focus on rigorous experimentation, unlike competitors who may spread their efforts across various analytics tools. 

This is easily seen through Eppo's deep suite of features, such as feature flagging and an advanced statistics engine, designed to support the entire experimentation cycle from start to finish.

A key differentiator for Eppo is its warehouse-native integration, offering seamless connections with popular data warehouses like Snowflake and BigQuery. Rather than demand a tricky integration process, Eppo just connects to your existing warehouse and runs queries directly on top without any special integration or setup.

Eppo caters to a wide audience, from data scientists to product managers, by making it easy for anyone on the team to conduct a variety of experiments that directly influence crucial business metrics including revenue, retention, and profit margins. 

Most interestingly, Eppo helps you build an experimentation culture within your company. It provides extra tools like team scorecards and an extensive library of educational resources to promote experimentation as a cornerstone of business strategy. 


On request.

AB Tasty


What is it?

AB Tasty is a leading Customer Experience Optimization platform that also offers pre-fab AI solutions alongside A/B testing, personalization, and audience activation.

Deployment options

  • Cloud-based: As a SaaS solution, AB Tasty is accessible anywhere through a web browser, providing flexibility and ease of use for teams of all sizes.
  • Multi-platform support: AB Tasty allows businesses to conduct server-side tests and manage feature flags across multiple devices, apps, and software.

Why does it stand out?

AB Tasty combines optimization tools like A/B testing and personalization on a single platform, featuring an easy-to-use editor for creating tests. It also uses AI for insights, offers detailed targeting options, and integrates with multiple marketing and analytics tools. These features might be especially helpful for companies that do not have dedicated data teams to work on these capabilities.

However, users should verify the platform's data analysis accuracy, as some have noted discrepancies in experiment outcomes.


On request.



What is it?

VWO is a comprehensive experimentation platform designed to empower businesses of all sizes to optimize their websites, mobile apps, and other digital experiences.

It allows users to conduct A/B tests, personalize user journeys, and analyze data-driven insights for continuous improvement. 

They stand out as one of the oldest vendors in the A/B testing software space, the first to build a Bayesian statistics engine, and the only company fully based in India. 

Deployment options

  • Cloud-based: VWO operates as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution, accessible through any web browser.
  • SDKs and APIs: VWO offers secure and lightweight SDKs (Software Development Kits) in over 8 programming languages. This enables running complex back-end tests and tracking user behavior within mobile apps.

Why does it stand out?

VWO offers a suite of marketing analytics tools beyond their main A/B testing capabilities, like heatmaps, surveys, funnel analysis, and experiment planning tools. They have even built additional add-on products like a Customer Data Platform for companies without an existing solution.

However, its pricing can become very expensive with all these add-ons. Additionally, one specific detail of their “SmartStats” engine (their use of “uninformed priors” for Bayesian inference) is often subject to skepticism in the statistics space. 


VWO’s pricing structure can be quite confusing to understand and predict, as it is based on Monthly Tracked Users (MTU), and though it offers a free version for companies with under 10k unique visitors, most of its most powerful capabilities are only available at higher tiers. 

Check here for more information.



What is it?

Crazy Egg is a user behavior analytics platform that helps businesses gain insights into how visitors interact with their websites. It offers tools designed to visualize user behavior, including heatmaps, session recordings, and A/B testing capabilities. 

Although it is not a “true” A/B testing tool, they do offer basic A/B testing capabilities as one of the many features in their larger platform. 

Deployment options

Crazy Egg offers multiple deployment options, catering to different technical skill sets and website platforms:

  • JavaScript Snippet: A small JavaScript snippet is inserted into the website's code, allowing Crazy Egg to track user behavior. This approach is relatively simple to implement but limits testing to surface-level website metrics.
  • Content Management System (CMS) Plugins: Crazy Egg provides official plugins for popular CMS platforms like WordPress, Shopify, Wix, and Squarespace. These plugins streamline the installation process, eliminating the need for manual code edits. Ideal for users comfortable managing plugins within their existing CMS environment.

Why does it stand out?

Crazy Egg stands out for its focus on visual insights into user behavior, with features like heatmaps and session recordings that make it accessible for both technical and non-technical users.

Its user-friendly A/B testing interface simplifies the testing process, although it doesn't offer the advanced features some competitors do. 

Additionally, Crazy Egg's suite of conversion optimization tools provides a well-rounded approach to improving conversion rates. 

The platform is designed to be affordable, with a tiered pricing structure and a free trial. However, its lack of sophistication in A/B testing might not satisfy users looking for more robust experimentation capabilities.


  • Free trial: Available for 30 days.
  • Standard plan: $49/month billed annually. 
  • Plus plan: $99/month billed annually.
  • Enterprise plan: $249/month billed annually.



What is it?

GrowthBook is an open-source platform designed for feature flagging and A/B testing. It empowers businesses to manage the rollout of new features, experiment with website and app changes, and measure the impact of those changes on key metrics. 

Deployment options

  • Self-hosted: If your business has the technical expertise and resources, GrowthBook can be downloaded and installed on your own servers. However, it requires significant technical knowledge for setup and maintenance.
  • Cloud-hosted (GrowthBook Cloud): GrowthBook offers a cloud-based version as a SaaS solution. This eliminates the need for self-hosting and maintenance. 

Why does it stand out?

GrowthBook offers a distinctive open-source approach to A/B testing and feature flag management, delivering its core functionalities for free while promoting transparency and community collaboration. 

Users can contribute to its development, benefiting from the collective wisdom of the GrowthBook community. It also provides robust feature flag management for safer, data-informed rollouts of new features. 

With its self-hosting option, businesses maintain complete data control, a significant advantage for those with strict privacy standards. Additionally, its open-source nature affords significant customization and easy integration with existing systems

However, the reliance on self-hosting and community contributions may present challenges for less tech-savvy users or those lacking the resources to customize and maintain the platform effectively.


Both self-hosted and Cloud-hosted:

  • Starter: Free
  • Pro: $20/user per month
  • Enterprise: Custom quote

Amplitude Experiment


What is it?

Amplitude Experiment is a feature flagging and A/B testing solution built within the Amplitude analytics suite.

This means it uses the power of Amplitude’s data collection and user behavior insights to deliver targeted experiments and inform future product updates with live customer data. It is also specially designed for businesses leveraging a modern data stack.

Deployment options

  • Software-as-a-Service: Amplitude Experiment operates exclusively as a cloud-based managed service accessed through a web interface. 

Why does it stand out?

Amplitude distinguishes itself by offering experimentation in the same place as existing product analytics, offering analysis, visualization, and reporting on a unified platform to boost team efficiency. In this way, it is similar to the data-warehouse native approach used by tools like Eppo, but exclusive to Amplitude customers. 

However, its complexity and lock-in with the rest of the Amplitude ecosystem may present a lack of flexibility, and potentially requires a significant investment in time and resources to fully capitalize on its capabilities. 

It is also important to note that Amplitude Experiment is not a standalone tool and it requires the full Amplitude analytics suite — which can be a huge turnoff for users who don’t want to incur high upfront investments.


On request.

Adobe Target


What is it?

Adobe Target is a Customer Experience Optimization platform built within — and accessible only through — the Adobe Experience Cloud suite. It empowers businesses to personalize website and app experiences, run A/B tests, and optimize content delivery based on user behavior and various data points. 

Deployment options

  • Cloud-based: Adobe Target is cloud-based and works as a SaaS solution, thus making it accessible through any web browser. 
  • Tag Management Systems (TMS): Adobe Target can be integrated with popular TMSs like Adobe Launch or Google Tag Manager (GTM). 

Why does it stand out?

Adobe Target stands out as an integrated solution for existing Adobe customers, tailored for teams already making extensive use of Adobe Analytics, offering extensive A/B and multivariate testing capabilities from there. 

The software supports a wide range of testing environments, including client-side, server-side, and mobile app testing, facilitating comprehensive modifications across digital properties.

A big negative is that users must depend on Adobe Analytics for in-depth reporting due to the absence of a native reporting dashboard in Target itself.

Despite these powerful features, Adobe Target's server-side SDKs lack support for third-party integrations, which could limit flexibility in some use cases. 

It’s crucial to reiterate that Adobe Target only works with the Adobe Experience Cloud suite. This means users would have to purchase an Adobe Experience Cloud plan — which can be a significant investment for businesses just looking to dip their toes in A/B testing. 


On request.

A/B testing tools FAQs

What's the cheapest A/B testing tool?

Although it isn't a "full" A/B testing tool, CrazyEgg offers plans starting at approximately $49/month. VWO is the next closest solution for a tool truly focused on A/B testing, with a free plan servicing small businesses.

What are the best free A/B testing tools?

VWO is the next closest solution for a tool truly focused on A/B testing, with a free plan servicing small businesses. The true “free” option in the space, Google Optimize, was shuttered by Google in 2023 and is no longer available. 

Which A/B testing tool is easiest to use?

Eppo, Amplitude, and AB Tasty are known for their intuitive interfaces, ideal for beginners.

What's the best A/B testing tool overall?

Eppo stands out as the best A/B testing tool due to its unique warehouse-native integration, comprehensive lifecycle management from planning to reporting, and a focus on real business metrics.

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