Powering experimentation at top companies around the world
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Join Eppo in Las Vegas June 26-29, 2023

Snowflake Summit 2023 | Green Circle Partner | Booth #1750

Session: Snowflake-Native Experimentation

Join Eppo CEO Chetan Sharma as he shares how Eppo’s Snowflake-native experimentation platform minimizes risk, builds trust, and empowers any company to experiment at scale.

The Dark Mode After Party

Join partners from across the data space for an unforgettable Snowflake Summit after party.

Wednesday, June 28 2023, 10:00pm – 1:00am
OMNIA Nightclub in Caesars Palace

Talk with Peers about Building Experimentation Culture

Learn about your peers’ successful experiments, approach to scalable infrastructure, and how they stay on the bleeding edge in causal inference.

Resources on Eppo and Snowflake

Learn how Eppo helps Snowflake customers experiment with more confidence.

The Modern Experimentation Workflow with Eppo + Snowflake

Building your experimentation workflow where your modeling logic and core metrics live helps those conducting the analysis to illustrate impact efficiently and effectively, as well as build trust with stakeholders.

In this blog post, Eppo Customer Data Scientist Josh Hanson covers how Eppo and Snowflake are the perfect combination for the modern experimentation workflow.

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